Meditation number 97


Christ took up the cross
In order to die for me
I take up the cross
In order to live for Him (cf. Ga. 2:20)

Occupation with Christ on the cross
stimulates my affections for Him;
Occupation with Christ in the glory
stimulates my actions for Him (cf. He. 12:2)

If mutual intercession replaces mutual accusation
then difficulties and differences between brethren will be overcome (cf. Ja. 5:16)

God does not judge by what He hears, nor by what HE sees…, HE KNOWS! (cf. Is. 11:3)

In His Word, God tells me about the past and reveals to me the future in order to affect me in the present (cf. 1 John 3:3)

You never leave the presence of God the same as when you went into His presence. (cf. Ps. 73:17)

False humility is pride in disguise
True humility can take the low place
or any place as long as Christ is glorified.(cf. Philippians 1:20)

Moral evil comes from the natural heart,
Doctrinal evil, from the natural mind (cf. Je. 17:9)

The unbeliever says “there are no absolutes,
I’m absolutely certain of that”! (cf. Ec. 5:2)

Loving to preach the Word is good,
Loving the ones to whom you preach is better
Loving the one of whom you preach is excellent

(cf. Philippians .1:18)

NOTE: All Bible references are from the King James Version unless otherwise specified. All unsigned material is in the spirit of Ecc. 12:11. Send all correspondence, comments, suggestions to:

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